Love Your Female Friend? - Here's How to Make Her Your Girlfriend

There have been countless situations where a guy will become friends with a woman that he is really attracted to and then over time, he finds that all he can do is to think about her. When you find yourself in this situation, it's not exactly a fun place to be in. Sure, you know her well enough that you can call her when you want and hang out with her, but when you do, you know that you are not going to be able to to kiss her or end up in your bedroom with her.
If you want to turn your female friend into your girlfriend, it's not going to be easy, especially not in the beginning. Luckily, there are a few tricks and tips that you can use that will help you to make her see YOU in a new light and you can make her fall for you.
Here are a few tips that should help you with the female friend you want to turn into a girlfriend:
1. You have to stop acting so "friendly." At some point, you have to realize that part of the reason why she sees you as only a friend is because of the way you act when you are around her. When you want to turn your female friend into a girlfriend, you have to stop acting so friendly, and start acting like a guy that is really trying to win her over. You cannot keep doing the same thing with her and expect that she is going to suddenly fall for you.
2. You cannot spend so much time with her. You need to have a break, where she does not see you as often if you want to change HOW she sees you. If there is no real break, then there is no reason for her to change her perspective. If you do create some distance with your female friend, you can reinvent yourself in her eyes much more easily, which you have to do if you want to turn your friend into a girlfriend.
3. You've got to be able to flirt with her and create sexual tension with her. Without flirting and sexual tension with a woman, what have you got? Friendship. Boring, plain and platonic. You have to be able to sprinkle in some flirting and you ABSOLUTELY have to create sexual tension with a woman if you want to turn her from friend to girlfriend.