How to Get a Friend Attracted to You - Turn Her Into Your Girlfriend Easily With These 3 Techniques

How to Get a Friend Attracted to You - Turn Her Into Your Girlfriend Easily With These 3 Techniques
If you're sick of being relegated to the 'friendship zone' for far too long, you need look no further than this article and rest assured, you won't be the only one in doing so. There are thousands of men out there in exactly your position. What makes it so difficult, however, is getting past that barrier of friendship. Fortunately, we have the solution for you - read on...
How To Get A Friend Attracted To You - Turn Her Into Your Girlfriend Easily With These 3 Explosive Techniques
Strategy Number One - Remake your image. Clearly who you WERE is a friend to the girl of your choice. So, obviously, the first thing that needs to change is yourself.
Remake yourself into someone she would be interested in - someone that she has to rediscover all over again. It shouldn't be too hard. After being in the friend zone, you should be able to know what she likes and dislikes far better than any boyfriend. Once she's seen you in a new light, make your intentions known and see what happens.
Strategy Number Two - Use "devious" methods. Having successfully finished the first two items on the list, it would be the ideal opportunity to create more tension through the use of subtle psychological suggestions.
Covert persuasion techniques are quite obviously the best suited to this, as it relies only on minimal contact and minor practice. However, being totally honest with yourself, these techniques could well be unethical. So the general consensus is that you should only use it as an absolute last resort.
If you are totally committed to this path, though, the first thing that you need to do is make her recall past episodes of extreme emotions, one after the other. This has the effect of throwing her emotional balance of kilter and results in her becoming more vulnerable to your advances.
Once that is achieved, her mind will latch onto the first person that provides psychological shelter, obviously the 'friend' to whom she turned to so often in the past. This will in turn provide you with the ideal opportunity to solidify the now emergent emotional connection.
Strategy Number Three - Change how she sees you. The most effective way of doing this is by putting her into a situation where she's forced to reassess her relationship with you. Find a girl of mutual acquaintance and show above average interest in her. Watch your friend closely and see if you can see hints of jealousy.
If you can, it would be the easiest thing in the world to fan the flames of jealousy into something more. Another thing that you should try and break out of the habit of doing is being her shoulder to cry on. If you're constantly there for her when she needs someone to talk to about guys, obviously she'll view you more as an avenue into the male mind as opposed to a potential boyfriend.